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Credit Card 

( VISA / Master / Discover Card / Union Pay銀聯 / American Express 美國運通 )

Enjoy the complete online shopping experience by using credit card payment!  


  1. Add the products into card by clicking "Add to Cart" button.
  2. Click "Checkout" to confirm the products you want .  
  3. Finish 4 steps:
    Cart > Customer information > Shipping method > Payment method
  4. If we do provide any promotional discount code! Don't forget to fill it in at the Last Payment method Step.
  5. Enter your credit card details into the blank and you are done! Your order will be delivered within 2 days! 


Payme/ FPS / Online Banking(請確認能隨後即時完成付款才選擇此方法)

 You can also order by chatting with us via Facebook (inbox) / 69375776 (WhatsApp). 
  Please finish payment ASAP to make sure we can handle your order promptly.


by choosing 其他付款方式(請即時完成付款): 電話payme/轉數快fps
Please finish payment by the day to make sure we can handle your order promptly.


Payme number: 69375776
轉數快 FPS email: intentstycollect@gmail.com


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Order will be cancelled for late payment.

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