Shipping & Delivery (Local HK)
Privileged Delivery Service(Hong Kong)
Purchase Amount $1-$199.9
A. +$0 - Hk Post (香港郵政平郵)
B. +$20 - SF Express
(順豐: 到站自取 地址請填寫順豐網點(於下面有連結)/ 工商地區)
C. +$20 - SF Express (順豐: 住宅區上門派送)
D. +$18 - HK Post Tracking (香港郵政掛號)
A. +$0 - Hk Post (香港郵政平郵)
B. +$15 - SF Express
(順豐: 到站自取 地址請填寫順豐網點 (於下面有連結)/ 工商地區)
C. +$15 - SF Express (順豐: 住宅區上門派送)
D. +$18 - HK Post Tracking (香港郵政掛號)
Purchase Amount $400-999.9
A. +$0 - SF Express
(順豐: 到站自取 地址請填寫順豐網點(於下面有連結)/ 工商地區)
B. +$7 - Hk Post (香港郵政平郵)
C. +$0 - SF Express (順豐: 住宅區上門派送)
D. +$18 - HK Post Tracking (香港郵政掛號)
Purchase Amount > $1000
A. +$0 - SF Express
(順豐: 到站自取 地址請填寫順豐網點(於下面有連結)/ 工商地區)
B. +$0 - SF Express (順豐: 住宅區上門派送)
C. +$7 - Hk Post (香港郵政平郵)
What service does HK post/ SF express Provide and how do we cooperate?
SF Express
- and use it to fill in the Address blank when checking out.
- Use SMS to notice parcel arrival and verify recipient identity.
- No extra charge for delivery to commercial/industrial building. Staff will call when parcel arrival as to make sure somebody is here to sign after receiving the parcel.
- 住宅區上門派送
- Need to add extra for sending to residential address. Staff will call to make sure somebody is here to sign after receiving the parcel.
Delivery Time : 1-2 working days
*Intent send out the parcel by SF express everyday.
Hk Post (FREE SERVICE 時間較長 急件勿選)
- Good way to use for delivery to residential apartment.
- For ordinary packet(平郵), they don't provide post tracking.
- For Smart Post (掛號) they provide tracking number to make post tracking easy.
We will provide you the number inside the shipping confirmation E-mail.
Click here to track your parcel anytime.
Delivery Time : 2-14 working days
*Intent send out the parcel by hkpost 2-3 times a week.
*If the postman cannot reach you during delivery. Big parcel may either collect by buildings' safeguard or be sent back to your nearest post office due to insufficient space of apartment mailbox. A card will be sent to you to collect the parcel from post office. Please do so within 14 days if this happened or the parcel will be treated as abandoned and will be returned to us.